Wednesday 7 September 2016

20 Gr8: Transitioning from my year of completion to my year of purpose

What a year 2016 has been, like my broer said " the year of many firsts"... Shadi you were right. So many changes, many which I have welcomed and others which I didn' first. I give thanks to God because He has reminded me just how miraculously and amazingly I have been made. Not to brag or anything but, I am His after all.

I have always thought I was one who was pretty comfortable with change, until change really took place. I mean lets face it, life had been a routine for me for the past +/-6 years. Till this year, I could hear Gods voice telling me to move, because if I didn't I would't make it... in more ways than one, trust me it was His voice because He began to set things in motion on my behalf. This was both literally and spiritually. I had to literally  pack my bags and start anew in a place I have never lived or intended to ( by the way Italy I am coming for you)and I had to "move" spiritually, oh boy and I thought leaving home was the hardest part of this "movement", I couldn't have been more wrong. So there I was in a new city, new job, new opportunities, I was set, or so I thought. All that I had suppressed in my year of completion ( turning 27)came gushing in. Reality kicked in, emotions got stirred and i found myself in pieces, pieces that I dint't break, pieces that I didn't take away, pieces that didn't belong. Crazy right? I mean I landed a fantastic job that suits my personality and allows me to go where I want to... but still "broken".

See the thing I love about God is that no matter how many pieces I feel I may be in, He reminds me that I am  not broken,the pieces in my life puzzle are merely misplaced, placed in the wrong place therefore they do not fit making the puzzle picture appear to be broken or I am adding pieces from another puzzle that were not meant to be there in order for my puzzle to be complete. Guys I am not perfect, as a matter of fact I will never be therefore will never claim to be, but on thing I can tell you is that He continuously restores me and comforts me so that I will be able to comfort others, so that He can restore them.

With that said I have a confession to make: I have had to ask God many times to take away what I know is my weakness, which is not being able to let go of people who have let go of me. This was due to the fear of suffering loss, once I care about a person I like many believe that they will be in my life forever, because I know my intentions for having them in my life are pure. So when their ill intentions are revealed it hurts having to cut them off, because with me once I cut, it's forever, knowing someone I once cared about and loved will no longer be a part of my life affects me in a big way, at times I wish I was like some people who can easily walk away, man what bliss that would be... but I am not so God had to make sense of all the relationship loses I have experienced ( friendships and situationships included, hahahahah.) He took me to 1 Pet 1:2, " God the father knew you long ago and chose you to live holy lives. With the Spirits help so that you are obedient to Jesus Christ and are sprinkled with His blood." I would like to take a look at the word "HOLY", this is used to describe moral perfection, but I love the fact that is is also describes someone or something that is sanctified and set apart for divine service.

See God chose you and I with purpose for a purpose, our purpose is to live holy lives. What this means is that whatever stops you from living a holy life, He needs to cut it. For me my  hurt was what stopped me from living a holy life for a while. I now know all I need to do is ask Him, it is not rocket science, ask Him to make me holy, which requires me to be disciplined. You need to be ready for this if you want your life to be transformed, be willing to do whatever He says no matter how uncomfortable, difficult or heartbreaking it may feel, feelings are temporary, Gods will in your life is permanent.

I am going through my process in order to fulfill my purpose, I am divinity in motion. Join me.

Our Daddy loves you and I so much. *POW WOW*