Monday 3 October 2016

Closed my eyes so that I could see.

In my previous post I spoke about transitioning from my year of " Completeness" to my year of Purpose. When I was writing that piece,  I thought I saw the significance of it in totality, but like everything in this walk with my Majesty, there is always more to it than my natural sight can see.

So if I am now in a season of purpose then surely I am where I am meant to be. Sounds pretty straight forward doesn't it? Well I would like to take a deeper look at what this " being where I am supposed to be" means. Well it simply means I am on the right track to God's will in my life, for He is the one who has given me purpose( sorry to sound like Justin B there, but you get what I mean), if I was not then I know for sure He would make sure I get out of there. See every-time  I end up or ended up being angry or sad or resentful I know I was in the wrong place, with the wrong person/people, at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing. Although things around me are not perfect, I feel a sense of serenity and joy in my heart, you know why....... Because I know where I have been, and I know that is not where God wanted me to be, I know this because all He wants to do is protect my soul so I can stay in connection with Him, and where I have been there was practically no soul to connect with, because I was slowly killing it by allowing external factors take charge and instead of ignoring them and feeding my soul, I ignored my soul and fed the eeeeky stuff. ( You will have an idea of what I am talking about if you go back to when I started sharing my journey). 

The best feeling in the whole wide world is knowing that the God whom we serve is the same God we depended on before we were even born ( Psalm 71:6), DEPENDED ON BEFORE WE WERE EVEN BORN, WHAAAAAT!!!!  Surely this means we have nothing to fear when we are where God wants us to be because He knows, that we depend on Him therefore He will provide, so we should not complain. Instead we should close our eyes to the things we see and open them to the things unseen. Instead of complaining about  our circumstances ( Provided God is the one who placed us strategically and not situations we placed ourselves), find hope in that He is our Rock and fortress ( Psalm 71:3), He is the Rock in which we should live. we can fully depend on Him. So we need to stop trying to get ourselves out of situations through what is normal to the world, we are not of this world, so lets stop behaving like we are.

Let us be thankful in that when we are in complete pursuit of the Lord, He is doing the same, no as a matter of fact He is doing MORE. Let us praise Him in that irregardless of how far we push things, He never lets us go, if anything He pulls us even harder towards Him ( trust me I can be a rebel and boy does He reel me back fast fast, a Fathers love). Let our confidence in Him grow with each day. " Your righteousness reaches to the heavens, O God. You have done great things" ( Psalm 71:19). So close your eyes so you can see clearer, silence the voices so you can communicate effectively, open your heart so He can fill that void. He is about to do great things in your life.

That's a Fathers love. *POW WOW*