Saturday 16 April 2016

My covenance with God

I got reminded of how serious God takes His covenance with His children. How His promises never fail. How this blog is not just a blog, it is in fact an utterance of the truth, His truth in my life. With that said I would like to encourage you to continue in trusting in Him, if  you don't, begin to open up your heart and allow Him to not only tell you just how trust worthy He is, but to show you just how trust worthy He is.

Allow me to tell you just how God reminded me of just how " O,O,O" ( Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient) , He really is. I was driving back from a community meeting this past Sunday, when the car I was driving behind hit a stationary car which had also been involved in an accident. I basically had to go into the lane with the on-coming traffic to avoid more wreckage. I landed on the gravel to the side of the road, mind you I was on a national road so I was not exactly driving 60km/h. I know it all happened very fast,but in my head everything was happening in slow motion.When all the dust settled I realised what a mess it was on the road, to my surprised nothing happened to the car I was driving and I was hundreds. Can I just mention which song had been playing, wait for it, wait for it.... " You hold me now", by Hillsong United. Man I wept like a baby, my God is OMNIPRESENT! See back in 2012 I was involved in a fatal car accident, the physical healing was the easy part, it was the emotional healing that was the big problem. I distinctly remember asking God to protect me from  ever experiencing what I had experienced.  Four years later I can testify that He answered my prayer. Man it feels so good knowing that a prayer request doesn't have an expiry date. My God holds me now and forever.

It is so amazing to know that God never takes a day off, a lunch break or any other break for that matter. He is everywhere, knows everything and has never-ending power. I am in complete awe of such a magnificent God and I get to call Him my father, my friend, my king, my protector and my provider. Knowing that He is ALWAYS involved in my life is the most secure feeling I have ever experienced in my life and wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING in this world. God promises us that His plan for us is not to harm us but to prosper us, ( Read Jer 29:11). In whatever situation you are in you need to silence the noise and listen to what God is saying you must do in that situation, ( Jer 29:4-9). The Lord encourages the people of Jerusalem who were held captive to continue living normally under abnormal circumstances. He encourages them to prosper and not allow what the enemy brings onto them rattle them, they must just keep focus on Him because He is the truth, the way and the life. Let us be encouraged in that as long as we whole heartedly seek the Lord, we will find Him, " When you look for me, you will find me", ( Jer 29:13). I found Him when I looked to Him for divine protection. 

Prayer truly does allow God to work in our lives, be steadfast in your praying, He hears you and He does answer you.

Gods love for you is infinite. *POW WOW*

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