Thursday 5 May 2016

Manage your mind

Forget finding yourself, find Jesus and allow Him to introduce you to the real you through His truth.

I've been through situations that have left me feeling gutted, basically hollowed me out, leaving me feeling empty. My mind would tell me to take time out to find myself and reinvent Pheladi. The thing I didn't like about "finding myself" was that I only identified with the negative perceptions people had of me and their actions towards me. So " finding myself" only intensified my feeling of being lost. It took away my freedom because my heart became set on all the wrong things. I began trying to fix what was "wrong" with me according to man, I grew tired of having to prove myself to anyone in order to gain approval or acceptance. There had to be more to life than being stuck in a cycle where I was enslaved by my own thoughts and the thoughts of others about me. Then it hit me, I actually hold the key to the chains that I willingly put on myself... I control my mind, I have the power to start a process in which will enable me to be free of all that is not of me, the real me. I just needed the correct guidance.

Gaining control of what I allowed myself to think about gave me a sense of peace, things that I once freely yielded to surely couldn't hold me captive unless I allowed them. An un-managed mind leads to unnecessary pressure. What I was believing about myself was not true, but because I wallowed so much in it I started believing it which resulted in me living it... a complete lie. But because my daddy loves me, He reminded me that who I THINK I am is not as important as who I BELIEVE Jesus is. He endured opposition from sinners so that I don't become tired and give up ( Heb 12:3). Yes I don't have the strength and stamina to free myself, but my hope is found in knowing the truth and that is found in Gods word. His word will discredit every single lie that has been plaguing your mind. " God didn't spare His own Son but handed Him over to death for all of us. So He will also give us everything along with Him" ( John 8:32)- Peace.Man the greatest wonder of all times is the love that was displayed on that cross at Calvary.

One has to be relentless in focusing their mind on God and His word on their lives, that will bring them freedom and the only way this can be achieved is through equipping their minds by reading His love story to us. You cannot find yourself by yourself, you didn't make you. God made you therefore He is the only one who can reveal your true identity to you. The truth truly does set you free, God sets you free. 

Let love lead, let God lead, His love for you is real. *POW WOW*


  1. Ooh Gurl. Totally loving this one. *Pow Pow* So cute!! Our minds wander so vastly and it's really possible to get lost in thoughts that are suppose to be passing. Identifying with such perceptions can be challenging as they oppose your true self. Although Babe when you get back to the basics and the foundations of makes YOU you then you establish a greater sense of peace.

    Love you Always. ������

  2. Shoo friend I cannot stress enough how important peace is, like the spin-offs of having peace in your life is just crazy. You are so right some thoughts are meant to just pass on by and be on their way in order to allow you to be great.

    I love you lots and lots

  3. So profound Pheladi��I am so happy to have accessed your blog. I like the depth of your writing. Powerful ✊��
