Tuesday 10 May 2016

Godliness vs Goodness & Holiness vs Happiness

At first glance you would think there is not much difference between godliness and goodness or holiness and happiness, but if you look deeper you will begin to see that one carries more weight than the other.

See the biggest difference between the words to me is that one is what God wants for us and the other is what we want for ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that God does not want us to be happy or have goodness in our lives. What I am saying is that He would rather have us holy because holiness is not attached to a thing or a person, it is attached to Him. Allow me to give you an example, think about what you would ask God for in order for you to be happy in accordance to you...Now tell me if that happiness is not attached to a thing or a person. Okay now think of something that you think you can ask God for that will bring goodness into your life... Is that goodness attached to a thing or a person? See the difference in what we want and what God wants for us is that what He wants for us is designed to strengthen, support and validate His existence in our lives, as opposed to the quick fixes we as humans want that are not robust in order to withstand obsolescence over an extended period of time. The reason why we don't always get what we ask for is because it is not in line with Gods perfect will for us.

God is more concerned with your holiness than your happiness, He wants to establish an intimate relationship so that even when things around you seem to be falling apart , you remain confident in that He is holy and He is devoted to complete the work He has started in you, provided you too are devoted to what you are set out to do. It is easy to remain holy when you are happy and things are going smoothly, but what happens when you are unhappy and are faced with disabling challenges? Will you conform to a quick fix or will you hold onto Gods word as it is a promise from Him to you? Not to scare you but imagine if God was easily moved and acted when He was in His feelings every time we did something that made Him unhappy... Luckily for us we serve a God who is loyal and follows through on His word. Think it is time we all take up the challenge and strive to be more like Him. 

A godly relationship is what God wants to have with you and I. He wants to show us that what we ask for at times is less than what He can give, because all He provides is according to His divine and perfect will. " Are you looking for great things  for yourself? Don't look for them because I'm going to bring disaster on all people, declares the Lord. But wherever you go I will let you escape with your life." ( Jer 45:5). Sometimes we ask God for things which we assume will be good for us, I challenge you to ask Him for wisdom as opposed to wealth because through your wisdom you will be equipped to produce wealth, ask Him to make you more holy as opposed to more happy, because through His holiness you will be happy, ask Him to influence you so that you can become more godly as opposed to good, because through your godliness others will see your goodness shine for His glory. Learn to ask God for things of the Kingdom and the things of the earth shall be added unto you.

Gods love for you has no limit, you were blood bought honey *POW WOW* 

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