Friday 18 March 2016

Backtracking the journey- Trust 1/2

I would like to take you back to where it all started... I rate it only makes sense and what I share with you as time goes on will also make sense, it all ties in. 
This is for all those who have just joined me and  for those who were not  into reading my loooong Facebook status updates , I am going to share what has been revealed to me with the hope that you too can begin your journey in allowing God to reveal Himself to you. I have broken "TRUST" into 2 parts for you, here goes part 1. 

My journey started with me learning to trust in the Lord to be my all. Being a person that had serious trust issues, I knew for me to fully submit my life to God I would have to learn to trust Him. You might ask yourself how in the world are you meant to trust something or someone you have never seen. It boils down to FAITH, asking Him to open your eyes, the eyes of your heart so that you can see Him.

As a young woman I have on many occasion placed my faith in people ( especially men)who have done all but stick to the promises they made to me, ( most recent promise I got was " I promise to guard your heart more"-what a lie, first opportunity he got he took that very heart and trampled all over it. Of all my "men-induced" heartbreak, the worst had to be the one  experienced when my papa wasn't able to see beyond his problems and concluded it was best he were no longer around. Even with that, my love for him has not been altered ( he is still the keeper of my heart - true love knows not end). During my bleak moments earlier this year I have had to battle my thoughts over and over again ( I will be discussing why having control of your thoughts is very important in the weeks to come), my prayers began to be more of a time where I wallowed in my pain instead of it being a time to release my pain. The broken trust I had towards men lead to a broken trust filled relationship with God. The only way anyone can gain your trust is through truth... That was an "Einstein" moment for me, Jesus says that " I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."-John 14:6. Now if I was going to trust God I needed to know the truth, and what better way than digging in His word, truth straight from the source.

Have you ever found yourself complaining about where you are in life or what is happening in your life at the present moment? Did it ever occur to you that you are exactly where God wants you to be? Rom 8:28 clearly states that " all things work together for the good of those who love God." As His children we need to believe that His love for is greater than anything we have ever encountered, so everything we go through went through Him first, so surely He has equipped us to get through it. We are His priced possession ( proof is in John 3:6). God will take you out of your Egypt, this could be anything you struggle with such as, booze, addiction, anger etc or something that is not for you, relationships, job , friendships etc. You need to trust God and put it all into His hands, give it to Him, He has your back even more than you have your own back, I mean lets face it you let yourself down sometimes, He is telling you that He will NEVER let you down. As crazy as it may sound, let go and let God, wait on Him. Do not let the temptation of taking matters into your own hands when things are spiraling out of control get the better of you. Lets learn from Moses, in Numbers 20:8 , God told him to TELL the rock to give them water ( this when they are in the desert having being rescued from Egypt), but we read that Moses STRUCK the rock. We further read that Moses asks the people if HE  and HIS brother should bring water out of the rock ( Num 20:10). Now take this lesson from Moses, he  didn't listen to God, instead of telling the rock ( This could be seen as symbolic of Jesus) to give him water he struck the rock ( he was hurting God for the benefit of the world and his own desires-pretty much what we do at times). Taking matters into our own hands in more times than not ends in disaster ( reason being is that you are most likely emotionally lead and not spiritually lead), ( Num 20:12-13). Then we want to shift blame onto others and most commonly onto God Himself. All He wants us to do is tell Him what we want so that He can give it to us, and if He doesn't give us what we specify He will give us something even better! It's time you recognize the hardships you go through as an opportunity to grow your faith and allow God to use them as a testimony in your life. I am living proof of that, the only reason I am able to share this is because God has seen me through the horrid times and has entrusted me to share my stories so that others can be helped... Had I known this before I would have carried my burden and still praised Him because there is no greater feeling than knowing your purpose and fulfilling it.

Take that bold step , freedom is yours but you need to keep moving,once God has taken the shackles off, you need to stop living like you are still in bondage. You cannot be stuck on stupid , stuck on what ifs, stuck on memories, drop anything and anyone who brings you confusion. God is not a God of confusion He is a clear God. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.- Phil 4:3.

I am all for ploughing forward which means looking back is not an option ( anything that starts with "ex" ex-friend, ex-boyfriend, ex-fling, ex-addiction  remains a thing of a past). The reason is not solely because that's where they belong, the reason is because it robs me of taking responsibility for how things turned out because I will focus on how they wronged me or robbed me of my happiness,  and we know that shifting blame doesn't please God. I know am talking about not looking back but God had to take me back as reference, Genesis back, to where Adam shifted blame to Eve for their sins. See the spectacular thing about taking responsibility is that God takes it upon Himself to take responsibility for you ( Matt 11:30)- His yoke is easy honey.Trust that He will strengthen you when you place hope in Him. For all those who have hurt you and EXcused themselves from your life, know that they will be dealt ( Neh 4:-23).Focus on growth prayers, they are your life line in this thing called life.

Now that you know that God has your back and is looking out for you, you need to let go of the fear that has been worrying you. Think of Him as your Superman only He doesn't have any weakness, He is Omnipotent and He is just one prayer away. I speak of fear because it was something that I had to surrender to the Lord, being a person who loves people I would do anything for those I wanted in my life because I was scared of ever losing them. What this did to me was that I lost myself in being a people pleaser getting up to things that costed me financially and emotionally, put up with boys ( cause real men know what they want so would never string you along, they will merely take you with them on a memorable journey with purpose) who saw me as a garment in the shop that they could try on and then put back on the shelf, you cannot look for a person at a place when you know they are not there, let them go. Fear has made lead me into sinning against my body, others, my well-being and most of all God. Although it may want to visit me sometime, I have decided there is no place in my house for fear. It is very important to protect and guard your heart, not everyone you want to keep in your life is good for you, learn to be of use, not be used. " A person's fear sets a trap for him, but who trusts the Lord is safe" ( Prov 29:25). Wave anything that imparts fear into your life goodbye, do not devote yourself to the voice of fear, devote yourself to the voice of God. 

One of the many things I have noticed about putting my trust in God is that I have begun to worry less, this clearly shows that He is a God of His word. He has healed my broken heart and it no longer bleeds- I know this because I no longer feel anger towards the person who broke my heart, the tears are all dried up and I have no more questions because God has showed me my worth, He knows I am worth the blood of His son, so sorry I am not second best, I am His anointed  ( Psalm 147:3). I want you to know that you are too, so stop allowing others to put a price on you because you are of royalty. Trust that God will look after you, He does it with the flowers, the plants and animal, what more can He do for you as His child? ( Matt 6:28:32). Make a conscious decision each and everyday to not let your worries cloud your faith, remember each time your faith is tested that God is your God forever , He will guide you ( Psalm 48:14, forget your insecurities ( Prov 3:5-6), Submit to Him and He will work it ALL out for your good.

You are worth it and His love for you is infinite, trust in that and feel it, see how you will beginning falling in love with Him.

He loves you lots and lots and lots. *POW WOW*


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