Wednesday 23 March 2016

Get eggshited about love this Easter

I don’t think that there is anyone who can talk about God and not mention or think of the word “love”, He is the epitome of what true love is. I actually think that when we look up the meaning of love in the dictionary it should just say: GOD.  With the Easter weekend coming up it only made sense to me to go deeper in the way in which He loves us.

Would it sound crazy if I told you that  at 27  going on 28, I can honestly say that I have never experienced true romantic love, now this is not because have never dated or opened myself to it. It’s simply because I was too quick in giving my heart to boys ( a man would have know what to do with it and what not to do with it). I did this because I convinced myself that the intense feelings I had towards them was love. This led into believing that they too loved me, but I had it all twisted. Being emotionally manipulated is not love, being shoved is not love, being used and not of use is not love, being cheated on is not love, having to put up with their exes is not love, being ignored is not love, being afraid to say what is on your mind with the fear of them walking away is not love, being placed second to their friends is not love, I could go on and on about all the things love is not, but that is not the point of this message. Love is from God so it is deep and amazing, not shallow and destructive.  Having dealt with what I call an” oopsy” that left me slightly wounded recently, God spoke to my heart and told me that I need to understand what love is all about so that I do not fall for phonies anymore.  I need to know what love is so that I know what I can do for love and what He says I can expect from a man who has also experienced His love. I now see that I am meant to give my heart to a person who is also after Gods heart so that they know how to take care of mine.  Through reading Song of Songs 1 (I urge you to do the same, your mind will be blown away), I learnt that love needs to be both in actions and words. True love doesn’t hold back, your heart wants to tell the universe when you are in love.  Taking a peek back at my failed relationships I see I was not mature enough to be in love. Like the woman in Song of Songs 1, I felt strong emotions towards the guys I was seeing, I was excited by the thought of him, but at the same time I had serious insecurity issues, these drove me to compromise myself – an independent, opinionated,  driven woman, to a “yes” woman, all of this just so I didn’t emasculate them. Now I see why I was frustrated most of the time, boys frustrate women, that’s why real men should rise and claim their brides. A real man will pick you all the time, not sometimes based on the mood they woke up in on that day or peoples opinions. “Like a lily among thorns, so is my true love among the young women.” (Song of Songs 2:2). He will take the lead, look after you and show you off in a crowd. “He leads me into a banquet room and looks at me with love.” (Song of Songs 2:4). Although it’s Solomon poem about his love for a woman, I saw so much of God in these verses. He has so much adoration towards us as His bride, He expressed this through words and showed us in the flesh when He gave His only son for us.

I have to admit that the older I get the more I feel the pressure to “settle down”, but the truth of the matter is that things don’t always go the way you planned in your head. Where I am I can either choose to feel sorry for myself or take His instructions when it comes to me finding love as something wonderful as opposed to being a stumbling block,  an enemy of progress. See we need to get to a place where we see our worth through His eyes,  if we were worth what we assume we are worth or the way someone makes us feel we are worth,  then we would not measure up to being blood worth, because honey that is priceless.  A very dear friend of my, Kene, helped me put things into perspective when it comes to the matters of the heart ( I cannot stress how important it is to guard it, guard it with all that you have, do not leave space for people to walk in and taint it). She basically made me understand why it was taking time for me to get over my “oopsy”, she made an analogy of having feelings for someone and rock climbing. You cannot let go of the rock you are holding onto until you have another rock to grab onto in order to move forward.  It made me think, before I would have easily jumped into something with someone else, but I want more these days because I am worth it, so a replacement is definitely not what I need, I know how that goes… soon I will have to find a replacement for the replacement.  If you identify yourself in me, I am going to tell you one thing: Allow God to be that rock that you hold onto, but you have got to let go of the one you are holding onto at the moment, if that person is not reciprocating the feelings LET THEM GO, DELETE THEIR NUMBERS, UNFOLLOW THEM, UNFRIEND THEM, you do not owe them an explanation, stop enabling them to make you look thirsty, besides God is your source and He never runs dry.  Clearly they have no intention of showing you the kind of love God talks about, do not force matters, you will not find someone in a place they are not, so why in the world are you looking for them there? “Young woman of Jerusalem, swear to me by the gazelles or by the does in the field that you will not awaken love or arouse love before its proper time. (Song of Songs 2:7). Become Gods and let Him become yours before becoming someone else’s. Learn about the kind of love He has for you, let that be the base of your relationships. Place Him first, the same way He places you first, to Him you are always number one. Once you have a solid foundation of you love story then you will be mature enough to be in love with the man or woman of your dreams.

Remember Gods love does not come with conditions, allow Him to love you first before expecting a man to love you.

His love was spilled for you…. True love. * POW WOW


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