Saturday 19 March 2016

Living under His Grace and Mercy-Trust 2/2

Trust to me is the main  ingredient in any relationship. If you do not have trust in someone or something you are bound to be in constant mind battle. Lack of trust opens doors for your mind to go into a state of paranoia. Think about when you do not trust a certain person, are you not continuously suspicious of their intentions? Or when a car looks dodge, would you go into it with a peaceful mind? I don't think so. Trusting God is the main ingredient for you to experience royal living.

The thing is, what you dwell on in your mind and heart is what you dwell in...So you need to gain control of what you allow your mind to think about. You are called to live a life that is free through God. He has given you they keys to His Kingdom, how about you start unlocking those doors and experience the goodness that is His love for you. He loves you soooo much that He offers Mercy and Grace to you, all He wants you to do is believe and trust that the faith that you have in Him is bound to produce fruit, see we all have something within us that others need, we just need to release it( thus becoming fruitful). According to the Merriam Websters dictionary definition Grace is: "unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification." Mercy: Is an act of compassion or leniency towards an offender ( paraphrased) . God uses everything for good, " We know all things work together for the good of those who love God." ( Rom 8:28). God wants you to base the worth of your life on your faithfulness and not on your circumstances. This would mean looking to Him (whole heartedly looking to Him) when things become to heavy for you to carry, instead of looking to other means for relief. I would like for us to take a look at Habakkuk 3:17-18,  we see why looking to Him when things are difficult , falling apart, you are hurting, feeling empty, feeling rejected, tired etc, is the best thing you could ever do for yourself when you are faced with mountains in front of you. Think of how easy a deer can climb a mountain. The Lord is saying that He  can do that for you, give you the grip you need, protection for your feet, stamina to keep going, so you can stand at the top of the mountain, enjoy the view as you take in the fresh air and " rejoice in our suffering because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope." ( Rom 5:3-4) .Trust and yield your life to God and He will go before you and you will be able to climb higher and higher on the mountains that stand around you.

Although it took some breakdowns, over-indulging, medication and rebellion for me to see that my only source of refuge and salvation can only be found in God, see I had lost trust in Him because I felt betrayed by Him for allowing suicide to take someone very precious to me. As I asked the Holy Spirit to help me understand why that happened, so much began to be revealed to me. For those who know me personally, will know just how much I adored my dad, so much so that I in a way placed him above God. The reason why I say this is because His opinion mattered so much to me, what I did was mainly driven to impress him, he was my idol... Allow me to explain. We tend to think of "idols" only being religious gods, but I have news for you, an idol can be ANYTHING and ANYONE you hold in higher regard to God, you might not even know it. The dangers of only going to people( friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc) or things ( alcohol, drugs, clubs etc) when things don't go well is, what happens when they are no longer around or have run out? Make Gods word a part of your everything, it never runs out nor will it ever leave you. Remember that He will never walk away from you, so check yourself when you feel He has " abandoned" you, He is not the one who walked away , you are. Through everything I have learnt to praise Him ( Read Zeph 3:14-17), I have learnt to go back to basics, trusting the Lord with all that I am. I used to think that without my dad I would be lost, but my heavenly father found me and gave me peace in that with Him as anchor, any wave that comes my way will only wash over me and not topple me over. 

I wish I had seen God as my assurance as opposed to my insurance a long time ago. For the longest time I looked at God as protection from loss, as my management for risk as I was not sure of what the future entailed. What I should have done was see Him as my assurance " a strong and definite statement that something will happen or something is true" - Merriam Webster dictionary. Now you need to ask yourself something, is He just there just in case something goes bad and He needs to make sure you are covered, or is He covering you so  that if something bad comes you will not be shaken? Can you confidently say that you are rooted in Him, so no matter what storm or wind you will not be uprooted? " The seed planted among thorn bushes is another person who hears the word. But the worries of life and deceitful pleasures of riches choke the word so that is can't produce anything" You might hear and understand the word of God but if you let your worries ( what if this happens? what if I don't get the job? what if he/she leaves me? Too many what ifs) speak louder to you than God, His word cannot be of help to you, too much noise in your head. It is time to quieten them down. The verse also tells us that feeding our flesh desires chokes Gods word out of us. This is true, I am going to take you along with me as I go down memory lane. See for a long time I had fed my flesh, I couldn't wait till Friday to go out " skud my biscuit". Man I loved being the life of the party, for the simply fact that I liked the attention, male attention to be exact. Don't get me started on the amount of shots I would take just to look cool,  a person my size being able to hold her liquor, lets not forget the " being caught up in the moment'. The sad thing about all this was I was getting to a point where it didn't eat at me as much, the more I did it the less I started to care ( can you say choke!), every time I fed my flesh the word of God, the one I was so crazy about back in 2009 when I became born again, was no longer my source of happiness. Instead it was getting replaced by nonsense. I thank God for reeling me back to Him, no matter what, He didn't allow me to stay lost at sea, and He used any mean necessary so I could re-align myself with Him, by the way there is nothing more special about me, He can do that for you too, just let Him in. We need to stop worrying about our image, relationships, job, status, because worry shows a lack of confidence in what He can do in our lives, look at Him as assurance and not insurance. 

Worry is normally accompanied by doubt, doubt limits Gods work in our lives. " He couldn't work any miracles there except to lay His hands on a few sick people and cure them. Their unbelief amazed Him" (Mark 6:1-6). I had to confess to God that I had doubt in Him, I was unsure of what He could do in my life so I can find joy again. I am allowing Him to relieve my stress by revealing Himself to me and providing for my needs. Join me in accepting that He loves you and watch Him as He takes away our doubt by working miracles in our lives. The same God we serve today is the same God who made provision for those who were rescued out of Egypt. He is Jehovah Jireh, so providing for your every need is not a hobby for Him, it is a full time job. There are times when being a godly-girly makes me want to throw in the towel and then I am reminded of where I come from, the Holy Spirit shows me of how my needs have been taken care of and doesn't want me to be like my ancestors who were delivered out of Egypt. Even after God took care of their needs they still sinned against Him by worshiping false god, sinned sexually and desired evil, ( read 1 Cor 10:1-13).  Trust that God will send the Holy Spirit as a reminder to wait on Him. He is clearing the path for you, so whatever temptation you face, anything that is not of Him, you will overcome it. Your life depends on the trust you have in Him.Run with endurance the race God has set before you. Keep your eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. When you place your focus on Him you will see the storms in your life  calm down, this is not something magical, it's merely you getting your priorities in line, (Phil 4:10-14). I know this because once I decided to rid myself of a person who constantly lived in my thoughts ( guys thinking about a guy that rejected you, didn't consider you, hurt your feelings and still acted like a chop even after you have extended the olive branch is one of the most annoying thing ever), a sense of peace came over me.  I got to a place where I didn't want to miss out on eternity with God by making my problem the focus of my attention.  Do not let the hurts you have experience rob you of what God has to offer you. You can be sure in Him and be sure that He will not leave you. " God is our God for ever and ever, He will be our guide even to the end." ( Psalm 48:14).  Do not let rejection affect your faith in Him, He will always choose you, all you have to do is choose Him. You are His chosen.

God loves you so much, be sure in that. *POW WOW

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