Thursday 17 March 2016

Memoirs of a foolish Ladi

Allow me to introduce myself....

Hello there , my name is Ladi, I am what you would call a "recovering people pleaser, self-compromiser, self-comparer, enabler of my abuser and doubter' among other things. Besides all these negative "titles" , I am a loving, big-hearted person who is on a journey in finding the true meaning of love, the type of love that remains constant and does not see my faults as my weakness, but instead as an opportunity to encourage others and motivate them in becoming the best version of themselves. 

Many perceive me as a fun, bubbly person with a good sense of humor, indeed that are some of the traits I posses but there is more to me than " Ladi-dadi who likes to party". In the last 4 years I was showed what you call FLAMES. Give me a minute as I give you a brief account of the events that took place: 
  • 2012- Involved in a fatal car accident
  • 2013-Lost my dad to medical depression
  • 2014-The end of a relationship that I thought would be "IT"
  • 2015- My night life spiraled out of control leading to many poor choices that left me heartbroken... BUT the beginning of re-establishing my relationship with God. ( Can i get a whoop-whoop)
If anything the above has showed me the power of prayer, a parents prayer, I know that it was my moms prayers that kept me alive and safe when I was being reckless with my life... I know this because I sure was not praying ( I was too busy living a worldly life). One thing my mom has taught me is that there is nothing that can over-power a praying woman with faith in God no matter how high the tide may rise. We need to plug into the power of prayer for God to start moving in our lives.

I would like for you to make a decision today to allow God to be your adviser in all that you do.  I  say all because He is the center of all things therefore you cannot pick and choose when to seek council from Him. You need to get into that prayer room and seek Him with all that you are.

For the longest time I played a fool and thought that my peers could give me  informed advise on big decisions I had to make( now that I look back at it I cant help but feel like a dud, I mean there was no way that my peers could have had the same wisdom as God).  Now don't get me wrong friends are good and can give you a different perspective based on their personal opinion or experience, BUT their wisdom is not as ripe as the wisdom of the One who was here from the beginning...Lets take a look at an example of what taking advise from the not so wise can lead to.

In 2 Chronicles 10( I encourage you to please read it for yourself too), we see King Rehoboam son of Solomon who became king after his passing, being asked by the Israelites that he lessens their burden and in return they will continue to serve him. He seeks council from men older than him( carry more wisdom and their thinking is of maturity), what he should do. They advise him to honor their request and in return they will remain faithful in serving him . He also seeks advice from younger men ( probably of his age), who tell him that instead of lessening the burden he should intensify it. We can all imagine how unhappy the people of Israel were with this.  When all Israel saw that the king refused to listen to them, the people answered the king, " What share do we have in Davids kingdom? We won't receive an inheritance from Jesse's son. Everyone to his own tent,Israel! Now look after your own house, David!"-2 Chro 10:16.  The king was left with fewer servants than he started with and had many people who were against him, all of this could have been avoid if he had chosen to listen to those who knew better. 

Please understand that I am not saying that friends are out to harm you , well the real ones anyway. What I am saying is that you need to be aware that their advise might not be coming from an objective point of view, chance is they just want to make you happy and the advise they encourage you to take is an assumption of what they perceive will make you happy, or they might just be giving you advise from  the same heated place as you. I am going to share a story, there was a guy I was seeing who a couple of my ex-friends did not approve of, I was continuously told how  not good enough for me he was, wara-wara fish paste, as soon as I took their advise, one jumped right in  and all of a sudden others became really good friends with him... All of a sudden he was good. So peace of advice, seek council from someone who is removed from the situation, that has nothing to gain, even more important, seek council from someone who is going to advise you from a mature point. Pray to God to open your eyes that you are able to see and are not blinded by your desires or someone elses desires... See the bigger picture

Your decisions not only affect your today, they affect your tomorrow, God doesn't want you playing a fool, He made you smarter than that. Allow Him to be your go to through prayer and meditating on His word when things are unclear and you are uncertain of what you are to do. He will never lead you astray, He took time in creating you are has pride in His work, there is no way He will want to destroy that. 

The love of the God is just too awesome to keep to myself.
 He loves you soooo much. *POW WOW*


  1. Replies
    1. You inspire me to be great broer, thank you so much. I love you soooo much.
