Tuesday 22 March 2016

Mirror, mirror on the wall, show me the reflection of my soul

Standing in front of my mirror as I was getting ready for my day, I wondered what I would look like if the mirror actually showed me a reflection of my soul as opposed to my physical exterior. Now imagine what you would look like if the mirror showed you the true you,because that’s what your soul is, your total self.

Reflecting back to the time I re-committed my life to God I saw that there were still  many things I did and attempted to hide them. Having been born again, but still did things my way, or friends’ way, or lovers’ way, basically disregarding Gods way. The only difference between how I did things before I was born again and after I was born again was that after encountering Jesus Christ I became “shy” of doing things I knew I shouldn’t be doing, whereas before I couldn’t have been bothered with my actions. Other than that difference there was nothing different about my behavior, what was different was the feelings my behavior brought about. What was once “harmless” fun had become something that I felt bad about doing either during or after, something had begun happening to me internally (soul) but my external( flesh) was still the same, it still craved what  I had introduced to it over the years . There was a war happening between my immortal being and my mortal being, I thought that maybe if I fed my mortal being in private I would be fine.  I was so wrong, see what happened is that the more I fed my flesh the less I could hear Gods voice (I was robbing my spirit of what was keeping it alive).  It became very apparent to me that God does not speak in the dark, He does everything in the light, light symbolises godliness and goodness. “This is the message we heard from Christ and are reporting to you: God is light, and there isn’t any darkness in Him. If we say ‘We have a relationship with God’ and yet live in the dark, we’re lying. We aren’t being truthful” (1 John 1:5-6).  I actually thought I had my sins under control because I was not doing them as frequent, as apparent and loud as before.  Boy was I wrong, instead of spending my time and energy on getting to know this amazing saviour who had come to my rescue from I life that I was tired of living, I was spending my time and energy coming up with ways to hide my sins. “For the lighting, you must command the Israelites to bring you pure, virgin olive oil so that the lamps won’t go out.” (Exod 27:20). Olive oil is used many times throughout the bible to symbolise a number of things, the one I would like to refer to is the time after the flood and the dove brought back an olive branch to Noah, showing the promise of renewed life and new beginning, as the waters had washed away all that which did not please God. God wants us to live in the light in other words in Him, by continuously filling ourselves with His promises, His words, His ways and His love.

When you become overwhelmed by the battle you face up against your flesh remember that like the baby eagle carried on its mothers wings, God will carry you on His mighty wings. Like the baby eagle, we are all on a journey. We reach a certain point in our walk with Jesus where He will push us out of our comfort zone in order for us to grow from strength to strength ( this is called maturity, when He knows you are ready He will reveal more things to you, but they will require more from you).  Very much like what the mother eagle does for her eaglet. See there comes a point in the life of an eaglet where the mother no longer brings food to the nest for it like she did when it was still very young. She will remain motionless above the nest to show her eaglet just how strong the wings attached to their backs are ( I would imagine trying to stay motionless in the sky is pretty much like planking, looks easy but requires a lot of strength). Eaglets have to be taught how to fly, if they aren’t they will spend the rest of their lives walking on the ground, I assume they would not live for long as they were not designed for that kind of life. In our walk with God we need to be taught godly ways as we are born into sin. If we are not, then we will continue in low living and killing our spirits. We have to be born again in the spirit in order for us to learn from our teacher Jesus, like the mother eagle, He demonstrated  to us by showing how a child of God should live. Back to the eagles, after the mother has demonstrated, she goes to her nest and pushes  the eaglet close to the edge ( does that sound similar to what God does?), then suddenly pushes it out of the nest. Now picture an eagles nest, unlike many birds who build their nests in trees, it builds its nest high up on the mountains, so if the eaglet was to touch down there is no way it would survive. The mother flies down in lightning speed and catches her baby on her back before it hits the ground. The reason she does this is because she knows that they are meant to fly, but the eaglet just doesn’t know yet. She lets them fall BUT doesn’t let them hit the ground… (tell me you see where I am going with this). After pushing the eaglet the mother puts it back into the nest, she then starts taking out sticks from the nest because she knows as long as the eaglet is comfortable, it will not learn how to fly, eventually the eaglet will have no room to stand on and will drop out the nest and if it had been paying attention to it's mother, will flap its wings and fly.

I had read the bible many a-time but still didn’t understand why my life was still falling apart. I mean it didn’t make sense at all, I was told that the only way I was going to know God was by reading His word and talking to Him through prayer, then why in the world was there no change in my life, if anything it appeared to be getting worse. I learnt something from the eagles, it’s all a matter of action. When you read the word and do the word then only will you see changes in your life.  (Read Exod 19:1-6). Once you take the first step and obey His word it becomes easier and you will not see Him as a God who punishes you and wants to wretch your life. He like the mother eagle does everything to better your life, so that  the true you starts to reflect. Not the one that was influenced by the world and had taken mold based on what others say and do.” You have seen yourselves what I did to Egypt and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to my mountain.” Don’t expect the worst from God, He is not standing there with a whip so that when you make a mistake He is ready to hit you. Instead He wants you to learn from them to become better. There is a reason why He pushes you, why He wants you to move out of your comfort zone, why certain relationships have to end, why you need to move on. Obeying Him will not lead to your demise, He will be there to catch you when you fall and place you on higher heights. Picture the view… It’s okay to fall, but know that you will rise at His feet and soar like the mighty eagle you were made to be.  Let Him be your mirror, allow Him to reflect your true image.

The love of God will catch you always.*POW WOW

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